Wednesday 3 December 2014

It's a Kind of Magic

So I have to admit I am in love. And it is a love I share not just with one character but with several. I love sorcerers, I know the elitists amongst us will talk about mana (spell points to those who are unfamiliar with the lingo), the speed you can pump out spells the amount of damage that they can generate in a single attack. Why you should reincarnate for the +3 on the difficulty check and the extra 60 mana.

But for me DDO is about having fun, not about doing every adventure on elite and every epic on epic elite. I want to blow stuff up, there is nothing as fun in DDO as stunning a group of monsters with electric loop and then blasting them with chain lightning. Or hurling fireballs all over the dungeon. I so rarely do some quests simply because the fun for me is not about how hard you did the quest or how many optionals you did, it is about opening treasure chests and killing monsters, undead and anything else that is laying, crawling or running around. A fire savant is brilliant at lower levels but a lot of monsters are fire resistant or worse made of fire, so those quests that you are going to bump into them are a real pain.

But I do have a lot of fun with the fire, currently on his third life and going onto his fourth and final life at some point so I get that last +1 to the DC. Just because I don't do what everybody else does doesn't mean I won't take advantage of the way the game works so long as it is fun. Crafting isn't fun... the poor wizard who started as my intended crafter has been left alone at level 22. I just don't get the fun out of him I use to, I do on the odd occasion take him out and see how he does but the feel is just not the same. So 4 Sorcerers one of whom will to level 30 in the future and the other 3 will all go 3 past lives before doing the epic routine.

My special friend has both wizard and sorcerer and for her she struggles with the wizard, slower casting and less mana just don't have the same appeal. For all you wizard lovers out there yes the spell swap, versatility and better spell penetration are great reasons to go down the wizard route. In fact I intend to create a 7 life character who has 3 wizard and 3 Sorcerer past lives like I guess so many people have done with the 7th life a surprise even to me until I actually take it. Strange I had no intention of doing that until I was well into writing this. It sort of gets me thinking and then I will go off down well trodden paths before it is new to me. Whilst I enjoy reading about other people and what they do in DDO and even better watch sometimes what goes on I am still a noob after all the years I have played.

And that comes to my wrapping up point. I have been playing DDO for years, I was first exposed to the pen and paper version back in 1979 at school and back then I started as a smash it all barbarian. I had no idea about builds or about who did what in a party. In fact my first barb didn't make it past the first trap, the dungeon master had a habit of demonstrating stupid actions with me getting blown up, losing equipment, running around naked so the others did not rush through doors. I had read far too much Robert E. Howard and played each life that. But now I enjoy pointing a finger and watching things wilt or go boom!.

Happy Slaying


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