Monday, 2 May 2016

Neon Knight

So this is yet another post about my Iconic and his first life, and the cosmetic armour does make him look like he has been lit up by neon lights which gives me an excuse to use this title via Black Sabbath from one of my all time favourite albums. I wasn't sure when I was going to write this and the screen shots are from when Ziggy was a hero but now he is Epic.
Lots of things for Ziggy to use
However this is much more about how well two attacks are working. For experienced players who play Paladins regularly this will be no news but for players who haven't got use to Paladins this is a good set of super powered strikes. The healing ability of a Paladin is one thing but to be able to cut down opponents with easy is a joy. Having used the abilities through Gianthold, Orchard of the Macabre and Vale of Twilight and seen rares fall before the strikes it is worth pointing these out for newer players or players who are unfamiliar with Paladins and are thinking about playing Knight of the Chalice(KotC).
Bodies and a Warm fire makes life fun
So first we have Exalted Smite which is a tier 3 ability which you can get after level 3 and spending 10 action points in KotC. An improved smite that adds +2 to your weapon's critical damage multiplier and to your weapon's critical threat range (I have maxed the ability). Which in layman's terms means doing a shed load of damage, I have seen many mobs drop to a single blow. It recharges like Smite Evil so you can get some back without needing to shrine. I have got into a bad habit though of spamming this attack to get rid of more effective mobs to bring them down with a single blow. I love how this brings down targets and as it recharges itself it really is a bonus although it is a little slow.
I see dead people, lots of dead people
The other attack that I love to bits is Holy Retribution which is a tier 5 ability so requires at least 5 level of Paladin and your character to be minimum level 12. Executes a powerful holy strike that deals +1[W] damage. On Damage: Evil creatures with less than 1,000 HP have a 50% chance to be forced to make a Will save (DC 10 + Paladin Level + Charisma Mod) or be destroyed. On a successful save, the affected creatures take 100 holy damage from this attack as well as -6 to all ability scores for ten seconds. (Cool down: 6 seconds) This ability also recharges one Smite Evil. In short it smashes opponents down like chopping wood. And because it recharges Smite it helps if I have been a little greedy in using Exalted Smite.
Nothing to do with Ziggy just a pic I love a lot.
Now every class and prestige tree has abilities and special attacks that work well but I am in love with the effectiveness of this for a bladeforged using a great sword. I have made Epic and this has had a lot to do with it, the constant use of exalted smite and then taking out the bosses with the retribution. Of course recharging another attack is a real bonus. So as much as I love standing off and blasting with magic there is a certain charm in smashing opponents.

Happy Smiting


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